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1 Antwoorden

Is it important to gain Zelfstandig status?

Vraag van: 1157 keer bekeken Sociaal statuut

I have a question. I'm a mother of one and my husband is a fulltime employee. Currently, I'm about to sign a contract as an independent consultant for a company outsie Belgium, but has a representative office in Belgium.

This is my first work-from-home job and I have no intention to do this more than 6 months.

What do you suggest for tax arrangement n whether it is important to gain Zelfstandig status?

Thank you in advance.

1 Antwoorden

  1. Zenito Ondernemingsloket

    Dear Dwi,

    As a self-employed you need to have an affiliation at the Social Insurance Fund.
    You need to declare the income as an self-employed activity.

    All the practical steps are on http://www.zenito.be/en/start-up-formalities


    You can contact us at our offices http://www.zenito.be/en/offices or you can call :

    Kind regards,

    Bart Pittoors
    Sociaal Juridisch Adviseur Zenito Studiedienst
    Zenito Sociaal Verzekeringsfonds en Ondernemingsloket

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